The road to peace, wealth and prosperity
The indicator of Spiritual maturity© online

People's Uniqueness Pyramid
by Contoret©
People's Uniqueness Pyramid by Contoret©
The Pyramid by Contoret©
How the Pyramid by Contoret© works
The singularity of the Pyramid by Contoret©
What is it about
The Pyramid by Contoret©
The People's Uniqueness Pyramid by Contoret is the Indicator of Spiritual Maturity © of a Human. It is a tool for exploring yourself and the people around you through the category of "Awareness".

13-story metaphysical Pyramid helps to determine your position on the scale of spiritual hierarchy, to understand common features and differences of people and situation by the category of "Awareness", to diagnose any life situation for to find a way out of it.
How the Pyramid by Contoret© works
According to the People's Uniqueness Pyramid by Contoret ©, there are 12 levels (floors) of one's awareness. The level is determined through a reflection of external attributes includes his behavior, habits, attachments,
and priorities.

In order to determine the Level of Awareness, a 27-points questionnaire is used, describing the natural daily life of a person.

The Floor of Awareness does not make us "champions" or "losers", but rather speaks about our spiritual maturity. Everyone, regardless of the Level of Mindfulness, deserves the love and respect of others.
The singularity of the Pyramid by Contoret©
  • The only spiritual typology available to everyone in the online
  • Apart from diagnostics, the typology also offers a complex solution to multiplex situations
  • This is the newest and the most simple technique in the entire online
  • The First Typology of Spiritual Maturity©
  • There are no analogs existing in the Internet
What is it about
Awareness butters no parsnips, but it can be used in everyday life. This new unique technique allows to resolve conflict situations - without changing yourself and changing people around you.
The Indicator of Spiritual Maturity©
What is the SM Indicator©
With the SM Indicator©, you will
With the SM Indicator©, you will get rid of
What is the SM Indicator©
  • A measuring tool for your Mindfulness
  • The mirror that unites the external and internal worlds of a person in one and the same
  • A tool that dissolves the illusions of duality of the worlds
  • The Chaos Adjuster for your head
  • Universal mental coach
  • New typology of a human
With the SM Indicator©, you will
That it is possible to live without stress, by understanding your Level of Human Uniqueness

Your Level of Human Uniqueness

To determine the distance in spiritual maturity between people

Get inspired
To live a stress-free life, and tune to smoothing the newly appearing conflicts
With the SM Indicator©, you will get rid of
  • Complex psychological self-loathing in relationships
  • The stress of failure while choosing a partner for life or business
  • Conflicts and protracted disorders
  • Errors in evaluating the possibilities in customization
  • Feeling of guilt for those relationships that do not work
The value of SM Indicator©
Information from the author and direct contact with her
All kinds of relationships and situations
The basis of trust
More than 20 years of practice with VIP cases
Step-by-Step Algorithm and Practice
The owner of the method always achieves the result in solving conflicts and misunderstandings
The mechanism of work
The transformation of unhappy relationships into happy ones
Much easier than living with conflict
Diagnostics / Adjustment / Service
The main value
Restoring peace in the soul without external help
The key concept is
Concomitant effect
Increased success and well-being
The scope of Spiritual Maturity Indicator© application
For aligning and building relationships
  • Relationships with parents
  • Relationships with children
  • Relationship with a partner
  • Relationships in business / at work
  • Relationships in Society
In self-development
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Conscious goal setting
  • Destruction of old patterns of thinking
  • Changing of perception paradigm
  • A step-by-step algorithm on the path to yourself
In earning and attracting money and wealth
  • Ability to negotiate with any person in any situation
  • Timely inhibition of negative reactions and emotions
  • Sensible selection of methods of earning
  • Conscious assessment of business partners and colleagues
  • The formula for conscious success
  • Tool for motivation and self-control
  • Stimulus and pusher on the road to success
In personal life
  • Choosing a partner according to one's level of spiritual maturity
  • Building long-term relationships without making mistakes
  • Getting surrounded by your people
  • Analysis and prediction of conflict situations
  • Making conscious decisions about continuing or ending a relationship
  • The ability to accurately determine the scenario for the development of relations
In the right choice of
  • Vocation
  • The coach or personal growth trainer
  • Professions by heart and soul
  • Direction and where to move in life
  • The quality of life that is comfortable
  • Useful information in the ocean of the global network
  • Your people
In everyday life
  • Self-monitoring and timely braking
  • Communication without stress and anxiety
  • Natural Peacefulness
  • Adequate response to situations
  • Reducing judgment attitude towards what is happening
  • The joy of a conflict-free life
  • Planning for new horizons
The scope of Spiritual Maturity Indicator© application
For aligning and building relationships
In self-development
Relationships with parents
Increase self-esteem
Relationships with children
Relationships with a partner
Destruction of old patterns of thinking
Conscious goal setting
Changing of perception paradigm
A step-by-step algorithm on the path to yourself
Relationships in business/at work
Relationships in Society
In earning and attracting money and wealth
In personal life
Getting surrounded by your people
Conscious assessment of business partners and colleagues
Timely inhibition of negative reactions and emotions
The ability to accurately determine the scenario for the development of relations
Making conscious decisions about continuing or ending a relationship
Choosing a partner according to one's level of spiritual maturity
Building long-term relationships without making mistakes
The formula for conscious success
Sensible selection of methods of earning
Ability to negotiate with any person in any situation
Tool for motivation and self-control
Stimulus and pusher on the road to success
Analysis and prediction of conflict situations
In the right choice of
In everyday life
Self-monitoring and timely braking
The coach or personal growth trainer
Professions by heart and soul
Natural Peacefulness
Communication without stress and anxiety
Adequate response to situations
Reducing judgment attitude towards what is happening
Direction and where to move in life
The quality of life that is comfortable
Your people
Useful information in the ocean of the global network
Planning for new horizons
The joy of a conflict-free life
Author of the People's Uniqueness Pyramid by Contoret©
Victoria Contoret
Writer, Researcher, Author, Business lady, Quantum Activist, N.E.O.Person
"I am consciously exploring Awareness for more than 30 years by now. That was my life choice to understand what is happiness and how it can be attained: by finding, meeting or becoming its creator.

I received a gift from above: People's Uniqueness Pyramid by Contoret. It is a typology of Spiritual Maturity for people, events, relationship, and information. My mission is to deliver to people this instrument of self-awareness. I write books and articles, hold online and offline courses for that. N.E.O.PEOPLE movement has been created for that.

Awareness is a measurable category rather than some blurred amorphous field where everybody becomes his own film director. This field, as everything that that is designed by Creator, has its hierarchy and order. The People's Uniqueness Pyramid by Contoret allows measuring Awareness to understand it deeper and to apply it more efficiently in daily life".
Learn more about me
The People's Uniqueness Pyramid by Contoret©
in numbers
A conscious relationship is a guarantee of mutual trust
Floors of Human Uniqueness
Behavioral Human Groups
Points of Reflection, describing the natural daily life of a person
Answers that characterize spiritual maturity
It willl be useful for you if:
You are familiar with dead-end situations in relationships with the closest people
You understand it all, but do not understand why there is actually a misunderstanding
You want to help yourself and your close people in solving difficult situations
You are tired of a misunderstanding with your child/ partner/parents
You need peace in your family to feel your own happiness
You are looking for a way of peaceful and harmonious communication with the closest people
If you need to explain, then do not explain.
- Jewish wisdom
Who does not need it
Those who have never had a single conflict situation in their lives

Those who have a lot of conflicts around them, but are not concerned at all
Those who think that they are the only ones who are right in every situation
Those who have not "woken up" yet and are still not moving through the life in a conscious manner
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